Thursday, May 21, 2009

American Idol

Honestly I didn't watch much of this seasons American Idol because of school, but I've seen some of the other seasons so I know what it's about. I watched last nights, and tonight's shows and I personally thought that Adam was a better overall performer than Kris. I think his looks are what turned some people away. Kris however was the pretty boy so I believe that helped him. Not to say he wasn't a good singer, because he was, but I just thought Adam deserved it more. I'd also like to point out that the voting system is flawed. The voter turn out for this past years presidential election was about 132.5 million. Your guna tell me that there were 100 million votes cast for idol on Tuesday night? I blame that on the fact that you can vote as many times as you'd like for a specific person, and with texting it's easier than ever. No more waiting to get through on the phone lines. I think it should be limited to one vote per person, suck it up and decide who you personally like better. Some may say well than that means only one vote per household? No, more than 90% of the people watching the show probably have their own cell phone so it shouldn't be a problem. With people like these girls calling in to vote however many times, there's no wonder why 100 million votes were cast Tuesday night. By the way check out the video, it's from last years American Idol between the two David's but it's pretty funny. Alright it's late I'm out.

"So Far So Good"

Monday, May 18, 2009

Oh How the Tables Have Turned

I recently stumbled upon a site that allows you to make free ringtones with the music that you currently have on your computer. You are required to make an account with them, but it is completely free. Unlike other sites this does not send any sort of virus to your phone, but the downside is depending on how much traffic the site has it might take longer to get your ringtone. It will update you on the wait time on the site. You can decide how it is sent to your phone, some service providers it does not support the picture messaging option though. And obviously your phone needs to be capable of playing real ringtones, which shouldn't be a problem unless you have an out of date phone. The Website is It looks very cluttered but that's because it has a ton of advertisements in order to run completely free. There is an option to donate money towards the site in order to get your ringtone immediately, but as long as you have patience the free way has worked for me. Also I'd just like to add that there is no limit on the number of ringtones you can get.

The funny part of this whole post is that I only stumbled upon this site after my parents asked me to get them new ringtones. I guess they heard younger friends of theirs ringtones and they wanted to have "cool" ringtones as well. It's funny how things are lost in translation, or how the younger generations know so much more about technology then the older generations who've experienced more. Or something even more ironic, for example how many parents did not like the idea of facebook when it first appeared on the scene. Yet, now many of them are on facebook themselves. Now instead of criticising us for publicising our life to the free world, they are asking us to help them upload pictures so that their friends can see. It's come full circle.

"So Far So Good"

Just Getting a Feel for All of This

Quote of the Day: "And today i woke up terrified 'cause reality's the same" (I'm Terrified by Bomb the Music Industry!)

I thought the quote suited today because when I woke up i thought it was the weekend still, but unfortunately I realized it was Monday after checking my cell phone. I also chose it because dreams always seem to end right before something interesting is about to happen. It's like life leaves you with the perfect cliffhanger in your own story. Personally i think it's so that we can think about what was happening and reflect on why we were dreaming about it. I don't plan on writing about "deep" things like this, but once in awhile it's nice to just do a little self reflection.

This is pretty much my first time blogging, so I'm not sure exactly how to go about all of this, but if you ever think of a good subject or topic that should be brought up let me know. Unfortunately I missed the Cornell vs. Princeton NCAA lacrosse game yesterday, but i heard it was a good one. Next Saturday Cornell vs. Virginia at 2pm and Duke vs. Syracuse at 12pm both on ESPN2. Both games should be really good and we'll see if Virginia deserved the #1 ranking they were given. While i'm on the subject of TV, I personally have never watched a single episode of Grey's Anatomy because I was more of a Scrubs kind of guy. But whenever the last episode was it was all anyone was talking about on facebook. According to the status updates atleast. I never knew it had such a fan base.

Some news that's not that recent, but really got me excited was that Blink 182 got back together. It's more exciting to me because I was part of that generation that grew up listening to them. The sad part is a lot of younger people I know have no idea who the band is, which hopefully this reunion will change for many of them. Enema of the State was by far one of the best albums that I ever owned. Scratch that still own today, not that anyone actually buys CD's anymore when you can get it off of itunes (legally) and a ton of other software(illegally). But each has their cost, itunes actual $$, and things like limewire will inevitably cause your computer to crash. At school i stumbled upon a program called DC++, it seems to be more reliable and have less viruses circling around than the other peer to peer software programs.

Alright i'm done for my first post, maybe I'll get on later.

"So Far So Good"